Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Round 5

It is hard for me to believe that today was my first class of my final semester here on Saba. My life has changed so much over the past 17 months. I am going to do my best to sit back and enjoy the last 3 months that we have here living on this tiny island in the middle of the ocean. Something tells me that these final 3 months will go by just as fast as the first 17 did.
We didn't go home over this break between semesters. That is the first time we have stayed here. I found a few things out about Saba that I never knew before while staying on break. This place is actually a really nice place to live when you don't have medical school staring you in the eyes. I realized that I am really going to miss this island that we have learned to call home. Although it is tough sometimes being so far away from everyone we know, we also love our life here. It will definately be bittersweet when we leave. I will do my best to keep this updated as the semester progresses. I apologize to those who check it so often for not keeping it updated. Hopefully I will do a better job at it the next 104 days.