Thursday, April 3, 2008

Another Day in Sunny Seattle

I'm beginning to feel like that Saba has been sucked through warp hole in the earth and secretly we are now situated at Seattle, WA 47.62N -122.36Wa. I'm waiting for Oceanic Flight 815 to wash up on shore here anyday now. For those of you who don't watch the TV show LOST do not be alarmed. There wasn't really a plane crash. It's just my ill attempt at humor. Who knew that it could be 65 and rainy so much here in the Caribbean. I guess its par for the course on how this semester has gone. This has been by far my most challenging semester. I recently received an email from my best friend back home telling me that he missed my blogging. It gave me a sense of home. It's so comforting to know that those that you think of so often still remember you as well. It also gave me a sense of vision and accomplishment. So, for this reason, I have returned to log more of my thoughts onto this website.

I have just recently finished 4th block exams. I have 13 days left in this semester and I can't wait for it to be over. I often feel like I dont know anything but then when I start talking I realize at how much I have learned. Going through this experience has taught me something that is often misunderstood about the people who choose to become doctors. Medical school isn't a place for the smartest people in the world. This is often the biggest misconception about the people that you choose to go visit when you are sick. Doctors are given the power of almost god-like creatures that should be able to fix everything. So, for the first time, I'm going to give all you people the insight into this crazy profession. We aren't the smart ones. That title belongs to all the other people who weren't crazy enough to put themselves through this type of torture. Doctors are however, some of the most driven people I have ever encountered. No matter the task that is put infront of me I someone seem to accomplish it. This is not from my intellect alone. That is for sure! I think that 90% of it comes from sheer determination. I never dreamed in a million years that I could learn 1600 drugs and everything about them in 3 months. But, it is slowly happening. I appreciate Chad for getting me back on this. I have missed the feeling of releasing my thoughts into cyberworld and letting the 4 of you that do read hash over them.


Anonymous said...

I check everyday to see if you have written. It makes me feel as if you are closer to us by looking at your comments. Almost over for the fourth semester. Only one more to go. You are almost ready to return to us in the states. YIPEE!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see you have written again! I know it sounds crazy, but it makes me feel like you are closer to me and not in some other country. I just want you to know how proud of you I am and everything you have accomplished. It really is paying off and pretty nice to be able to call up my big brother and him tell me what is wrong with me. haha I know this semester has been really hard, but know we are here cheering you on! Anytime I don't feel like studying I think of you and think if he can do that then I can do this. So thanks for still keeping me on track even in another country! haha I look up to you and Beth so much and can't wait for the day when yall are back home with us for good. I love you very much! Hang in there it is almost OVER!!!!